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Ilham Timur Store's Search Item

03 May 2009

UAL003 Uni Edu Link (Education Pakej 2)

Uni Edu Link (RM100/month - Ideal for Education)
- Maximum to age 25

1. Gold & General Fund (Sum Assured RM75,000)
- Investment link fund
- Education Excellence Award (RM100 per distinction is awarded)
- Tax relief on premium payment (up to RM3000)
- Top Up (single or regular investment top up min RM50)
- Partial Or Full Withdrawal Of Account Value
- Switching (switch the fund in the Account Value to another investment fund)
- Premium Holiday (pause paying the premium)

2. Uni IL Critical Illineas (Sum Assured RM35,000)
- cover standard 36 critical.

3. Uni IL Living Extra (Sum Assured RM35,000)
Upon diagnosis of any of the 36 critical illnesses of the Life Assured, the following benefit shall be payable:
- Waiver of premium on basic plan; or
- Family income benefit is payable until expiry of coverage term, whereby the benefit shall be payable in any of the following 3 methods:
i) Monthly Income (default);
ii) Lump Sum (upon request); or
iii) Annual Income (upon request).

4. Uni IL Medic Plus & Coinsurance Waiver - Plan 1 (RM100)
- Introduction to Uni Medic and Uni Medic Plus
Uni Medic Plus (“Hassle – Free” Admission)
Uni Medic (“Pay & File” Admission)

A) Hospital Benefit & Service (RM100/day)
B) Surgical Fees
C) Medical Benefits (Non-surgical)
D) Outpatient Benefits
E) Outpatient Kidney Dialysis (RM10k) & Cancer Treatment (RM20k)
F) Organ Transplant (RM20k)
G) Others:-
- Government hospital daily cash (RM60/day)
- Child's Daily Guardian (RM60/day)

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